Ship´s name: “Arctic wolf”

Type of ship Project Number: Fishing vessel

Works carried out: Additional navigation equipment installation

Classification Society: RMRS

Ship´s name: «Juros Vilkas» (ex. «Sayany»)

Type of ship Project Number: Fishing vessel built in USA

Works carried out: ER СО2 fire‐fighting system project

Classification Society: RMRS

Ship´s name: “MURMAN 1″ (ex. “BOURBON LIBERTY 119″)

Type of ship Project Number: supply vessel, DY603, build China

Works carried out: changing the designation of “supply vessel” to “crab fishing”, reclassification of the vessel from BV/RINA to RMRS, retrofitting of the vessel with a crab processing and freezing factory, retrofitting with 8 refrigerated holds, development of operational and strength documentation inclining test and data for register documents

Classification Society: RMRS

Ship´s name: “MURMAN 2″ (ex. “BOURBON LIBERTY 116″)

Type of ship Project Number: supply vessel, DY603, build China

Works carried out: changing the designation of “supply vessel” to “crab fishing”, reclassification of the vessel from ABS to RMRS, retrofitting of the vessel with a crab processing and freezing factory, retrofitting with 2 refrigerated holds, development of operational and strength documentation, inclining test and data for register documents

Classification Society: RMRS